Here are a few quick and easy rules to help provide an efficient and effective work environment during writing workshop.
- Process is Important Above All Else - Carefully brainstorm. Organize your thoughts. Draft. Revise. Edit. We are here to develop academic habits. I do abide by the logic "don't worry, Mr. Malley. It'll get done." I want the best you are capable of. Always.
- Talking is to be very, very limited - Writing is thinking. Don't put your thoughts into the heads of others while they are trying to write.
- Do Not Shout My Name for Attention - Raise your hand and wait patiently, or if you see I am distracted, walk over to me.
- When we conference, talk in your four inch voice. Maybe six - If you talk in your regular voice, it may disturb someone the thoughts of someone else.
- Computers Are for My Classwork Only - Don't let me catch you viewing sneakers or working on work for another class.